Building a Retaining Wall With Patio Pavers

Paver Retaining Wall - Seattle Outdoor Spaces

Retaining walls are such a great way to upgrade your garden, both functionally and as a focal point or feature in your garden. Pavers are versatile and beautiful as building materials, for not only walkways, driveways, and patios but also as retaining walls.

Building a retaining wall is no easy feat though. So, there are a few things to consider before you go ahead and start your next big project, like how it’s going to benefit you in the long run, and where to even begin!

Benefits of Building a Retaining Wall with Patio Pavers

Not only are patio pavers great to look at, but they’re also functionally sound as far as building materials go.

Besides looking amazing, retaining walls are great at preventing erosion in your garden. Particularly if you live in a region that gets a lot of rainfall, having a retaining wall will prevent landslides from heavy rains.

Besides how useful retaining walls can be, they also provide a great space for you to get creative and add some beautiful flowers or even herbs and vegetables. Add in some gorgeous pavers, and you have yourself a great feature in your backyard.

In addition to this, they can also create a divide in your backyard. From separating the outdoor living space from the grass area to simply dividing the sections in your garden, retaining walls are a great multi-purpose landscaping solution.

How To Build Retaining Walls With Pavers

Before you begin, it’s important to consider designs. Now would be a great time to recruit the help of a trusted Seattle paver contractor to figure out what would work in your backyard. Next comes the hard work of actually building the wall.

If you’re not sure where to start, or what the process entails, keep reading as we dive into the five basic steps to build a retaining wall with patio pavers.

1. Excavate and level the ground

First, you’ll need to excavate and then level the ground to ensure the wall is going to be stable throughout its life. You’ll need to start by marking the area that you’re going to build on, followed by some good old-fashioned digging.

You’ll need to make sure the trench you dig is sufficient for the wall you’re about to build, so if you’re not a pro, it might be a good idea to get a paver contractor in to help out.

2. Lay the base

Then, you’ll need to tamp or level the base of the trench to ensure the wall you build stays put and isn’t crooked. Once your ground is set, you (or your trusted contractor) can begin to lay the first layer of pavers and set the base that’s going to lay the foundation for your wall.

3. Lay the first set of paver blocks

Now it’s time to get down to some serious building!

This is easily the most important step in building your wall. Get it wrong in the beginning and you’ll have to start all over again. So, bearing this in mind, it’s important to check the alignment of your pavers as you start to make sure all your pavers line up and everything is set up correctly. You wouldn’t want to finish up the wall, only to find it’s crooked!

4. Stack the pavers

As we’ve said before, make sure you keep checking your pavers as you build up the wall to make sure everything is aligned. Another pro tip – you could add construction adhesive to make sure your pavers stay in place, and then just keep stacking until you’ve finished the build.

If you want to take your wall to the next level, you could add in some capstones on the final layer just as a finishing touch.

5. Backfill behind the wall

Once you’ve finished building your retaining wall, your job is not done yet. One of the most important tasks is to add a backfill or a drainage solution to the space behind your retaining wall.

Behind the wall you’ve just built, add a base layer of compacted soil and then about a foot of coarse stones. Then, you’ll top it off with another layer of compacted soil in which to plant your greenery.

What this does is prevent the area behind the wall from becoming water-logged, and creates a way for water to flow away from the wall.

Choose Seattle Outdoor Spaces As Your Seattle Paver Contractor

Embarking on a new outdoor or landscaping project can be daunting, especially if you’re not a professional contractor. Here at Seattle Outdoor Spaces, we specialize in custom landscaping projects including retaining walls.

If you’re looking for professional help when it comes to outdoor projects, we’re always happy to help. We’re here to help you create the outdoor space of your dreams, from retaining walls to paved driveways.


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