How Water Features Can Enhance Your Outdoor Living Space

Water Feature - Outdoor Living Space - Seattle Outdoor Living Spaces

When it comes to landscaping, there are many features that bring life to your garden and finish off your home. However, water features are some of the only landscaping tools that benefit you personally.

As well as adding value to your garden and clearing the air you breathe, it brings life, such as birds and squirrels, into your garden. It also becomes a beautiful and elegant focal point in your garden.

6 Ways Water Features Can Improve Your Outdoor Space

A water feature should never be underestimated as it has many benefits. Below, we’ll outline a few of those benefits to show you what you truly get when you install a water feature in your outdoor space.

Promotes Tranquility and Relaxation

The mere presence of trickling water encourages relaxation on a physiological and psychological level. Flowing water helps put our minds at ease, allowing our bodies to relax.

In addition, just by putting a little stream or fountain in your garden, you help humidify the air. This is particularly useful in areas where the air is drier. This helps your breathing, as your lungs have to work harder when the air is dry.

So, water features can benefit you both physically and mentally. It adds a tranquil, serene atmosphere to your outdoor space that promotes relaxation.

Drown Out Noise Pollution

One of the biggest problems in the modern world is noise pollution. Our homes are constantly surrounded by cars and music and city noises.

By installing a mini-waterfall or stream in your outdoor space, you can easily replace these harsh sounds with flowing water. Not only is the noise replaced by flowing water but the water absorbs excess noise to a great extent.

You can enjoy a peaceful oasis in the middle of any city with the right water feature.

Improves Ambiance

One of the amazing qualities of flowing water is its ability to create white noise. This can be incredibly beneficial to one’s mind – and further encourages relaxation. White noise is often found in meditation practices to calm the mind and focus on tranquility.

Interestingly enough, this is not simply a matter of ideology. The ambiance created by water releases negative ions that help the brain destress.

Running Water Attracts Wildlife

Not only does a water feature sound beautiful in your garden but it physically brings life. It may not happen instantly but you may notice over time that the wildlife has increased in your home.

A water feature acts as a sort of watering hole for all the birds and little creatures in your area. So, you may find that you have a few visitors popping in with the installation of your new water feature.

Moreover, with all these new creatures and visitors, you’ll find that the entire ambiance of your home has changed. Not only does the water feature create white noise throughout your outdoor living space but now you will hear bird calls and chitters of squirrels as well.

It’s Stylish

Through the lens of Feng-Shui home designing, adding water features to your home increases its aesthetic appeal. A water feature in your outdoor living space is a stylish addition to your landscape. It showcases that you have an eye for detail.

It may be the only bit of movement in an otherwise still garden. If you incorporate it correctly, it can bring your whole garden to life!

Our draw to water features and how they enhance our gardens is no new concept. Throughout history, empires had to display their wealth to foreign ambassadors. Water features were part of this extravagance. The more someone had, the more they were respected in society. Now, they are simply a beautiful feature that adds elegance and aesthetic appeal to an outdoor space.

Increases Value

A big bonus of having a water feature in your outdoor living space is that it adds value to your home. Not only does it add visual charm and interest to your outdoor landscape but having a well-installed water feature attracts homebuyers faster than any other landscaping element.

A well-designed outdoor living space is already quite impressive. However, if you incorporate a beautiful, elegant water feature, it can give potential buyers that extra nudge they need.

Beautify Your Outside Area With Seattle Outdoor Spaces

At Seattle Outdoor Spaces, we are passionate about creating the perfect home for you and your family. We understand how challenging it may be to decide on the right water feature or elements for your outdoor living space. That is why we journey with you to create the perfect backyard landscape that caters to your family’s needs.

We also advise and guide you on how to incorporate the right features into your outdoor living space. This helps you get the most value out of your property. Simply contact us today to chat about how we can transform your outdoor space with a water feature.


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